Friday, January 11, 2013

Fat & Happy, or Skinny & Miserable?

I remember hearing this question from friends when I was younger:

Would you rather be fat and happy, or skinny and miserable?

I remember thinking about it and how of course I would rather be happy, but why does being fat make me happy? I just didn't get it. Something was off.

Lol. Now of course I can see what was wrong. Let's take a closer look at that question for a minute.

Are overweight people happy?
I'm sure there are some who are. But if someone has a weight problem that is leaving them dealing with pain and pills on a daily basis, and they struggle with a low self esteem because of their appearance, I think it is safe to say they are not going to be very happy.

Are skinny people miserable? 
Sure, if they are anorexic, or have depression which leads to appetite loss. But I don't think that's what we're talking about here. I think we're talking about people who eat healthy (fruits, veggies, etc) and therefore don't have a weight problem. 

Are people who eat their vegetables miserable because they are deprived of McDonalds and forced to endure the taste of...spinach?

What I think the majority of Americans (those who are addicted to fast food and soda) don't realize is that eating healthy and the physical result of doing so (losing weight) is actually a lot more pleasurable than eating unhealthy foods and the physical result of that (being overweight). 

It's hard to break out of that cycle, but for those that do (such as Joe Cross, who lost 82 pounds on a 60-day juice fast in the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead- you can actually watch the documentary on that website I think) they talk about how much happier they are eating healthy and how great they feel, and how healthy food (and fresh juice) actually begins to tastes amazing, way better than Oreos and fried chicken.

So... what do you think?

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