Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Can pregnant & breastfeeding women "go raw"?

Well, not completely. But including more raw fruits and vegetables is great for anyone, including pregnant and breastfeeding women!

I really like what Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of "Eat to Live," recommends for pregnant and breastfeeding women: 

"I recommend a predominantly plant centered diet, with essential fats from raw nuts, seeds and avocados. A dietary plan for a healthy pregnancy is much like a dietary plan for excellent health. It should include a minimum of five fresh fruits a day, lots of raw and cooked green vegetables, vegetable/bean soup, about 2 to 3 ounces of raw nuts and seeds daily or avocado for a clean source of raw fats. It should include tomatoes, red peppers and berries for their beneficial phytochemicals and at least one yellow/orange starchy vegetable such as corn, sweet potato or squash. Those desiring animal products should limit themselves to eggs and some white meat fowl, but not fish. Dairy fat is also a common source of DDT and other toxic pesticides and toxic substances. So, cheese and butter, which are high in saturated fat, should be avoided. The fatty portion of dairy foods is, after fish, the largest dietary source of the fat-soluble chemical in pesticides.

"All pregnant women should take a supplement of DHA....

"The typical modern diet is low in DHA in both omnivores and vegetarians alike. Most people eat a diet rich in omega-6 fats, but deficient in omega-3. Vegetarians and those who limit their intake of fish, wild meat and eggs have especially been noted to have low levels of DHA. Many vegetarians who consume sufficient flax, hemp, walnuts and greens as a source of short chain omega-3 fat may manufacture sufficient DHA fat on their own, but even with an ideal diet, lots of those on vegan diets are still found to be too low in this extremely beneficial compound."

Taken from: http://www.drfuhrman.com/disease/pregnancy.aspx


  1. I was curious about this since I am a breastfeeding Mom. I love reading your blog when I pump at work on my break, it is relaxing to read about eating healthy food and it makes me smile. Since I work full time and am involved in many activities outside of work I feel like food, and what time I go to bed is what I have the most control of in my life right now. (In terms of things I do for myself) Thanks for the insight, it is very helpful.

  2. Glad you are enjoying this blog Erin! I feel I am constantly making food for my family, so rather than make the same old meals I've been making for years, I want to make the change right now to more healthy choices. Although it does take more time and planning now, I know that soon this way of eating will be second nature. Change is difficult, but when it comes to eating right, I feel it is so worth it. Glad to know there are others who feel the same way! You inspire me, so thanks for all your comments and thoughts.
