What is raw food?
Raw food is fresh, whole food, in it's natural state. It has not been processed at all and has not been heated above 118 degrees F.
(Note: Frozen fruit is considered raw, although it does lose some nutrients when it freezes. But frozen vegetables are not raw since they are cooked first before they are frozen.)
What's so good about raw foods?
When we eat food in its natural state, our bodies receive ALL of the nutrients contained in that food (vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, enzymes, etc). Cooked food can lose around 70 percent of its nutritional content.
Most of us are not eating the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables. So, raw foodists (people who eat primarily raw foods) are not doing anything weird or unhealthy. They are simply trying to include more fruits and vegetables into their daily diet, as well as nuts, sprouted seeds, grains, and natural fats. They eat them raw so they can get as much nutrition out of their food as possible.
But no meat? No dairy? Where do you get your protein? Your calcium?
In the raw foods! If you are consuming raw foods at each meal, you will be eating enough of them to meet your nutritional needs!
Of course you can't just eat apples and bananas and expect to get all the essential nutrients. You need to eat a good variety of foods, as any nutritionist will tell you. You will also need to eat lots of leafy greens...but you don't even have to like them! I promise, you won't even taste them if you simply make a fresh green fruit juice at breakfast (if you have a juicer), a green fruit smoothie at lunch (with a blender), and a big salad at dinner (pick your favorite green and put lots of other tasty ingredients in with them).
Eating this way means that you can eat A LOT and not feel guilty because all the food you are eating is healthy! You can create interesting and flavorful dishes and suddenly you will start to notice how amazing raw food tastes, and how much energy it gives you! Your taste buds will change and you won't crave the other stuff you used to eat. Don't take my word for it (although this is happening to me right now)- this is a phenomenon happening all around the world as more and more people are starting to realize the health benefits of raw food and changing their eating habits accordingly.
Contrary to popular belief, meat and dairy are not the only sources of protein, calcium, iron, etc.. (I highly recommend the documentary Forks Over Knives as well as the book of the same name, the book Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Furhman, and The China Study to learn more about the benefits of a plant based diet and the correlation between societies that eat meat and dairy and high rates of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer).
But I believe that just because I was born into a messed up world doesn't mean I have to accept and go along with it.
My son started his life on the perfect food, breast milk. When he was old enough to start trying solid food, I wondered what food I should feed him to continue with his "perfect" diet. I wanted to nourish his body with food that would give him the best start in life. His first food was sweet potatoes, followed by other fruits and vegetables. As he grew, I offered everything that "normal" parents fed their kids, including lots of packaged snacks, but inside I felt there was something lacking. I knew there had to be an optimal way to eat. But what was it?
Recently I feel I have discovered that "perfect diet." The answer I have been looking for. A way to feed my body premium fuel, instead of the regular kind that everyone else seems to be satisfied with. It's as if a huge blindfold has been taken off and I can finally see what feeding my body premium fuel actually looks like. And that is following a plant-based diet consisting of mostly raw foods.
I believe that the food we put into our bodies directly relates to how we feel on a daily basis, and whether or not we will be chronically ill for half of our lives like SO many Americans are these days.
I am committed to eating to live, not living to eat.
Here's to a great 2013 and many more years of health and happiness for all of us!
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